Programme synthesis kicks off
Four one-day thematic workshops to discuss the provisional research results and their potential impact.
Each day of this year's programme conference, held on 14 and 15 April, was attended by over ninety researchers and practitioners. The topic of overriding importance was how much NRP 66 can contribute to positioning wood more favourably in the market as a renewable natural resource and versatile building material.
The conference marked the start of the synthesis process for NRP 66. It follows 13 well-attended transdisciplinary meetings held since the end of 2013 in the context of the four dialogue platforms.
Using the discussion format of direct confrontation, two parallel workshops were held on each day in Olten, featuring debates between researchers and selected stakeholders from industrial firms, associations and public offices. The discussions centred on the expectations of practitioners, current difficulties with wood supply and use, and on how research can help to solve these problems.
The participants were able to draw on the scientific insights gained in the individual projects as well as on results consolidated in previous dialogue events with practitioners.
During the two-day conference, four high-profile keynote speakers presented their view of the challenges challenges facing the forest and wood sectors, prompting many debates and discussions at the conference.
The designated authors are expected to submit the first draft of the four partial syntheses to the relevant advisory group by mid-November 2016. The topics addressed are as follows:
- "Advancements in timber construction"
- "Novel ways in bio-refining of wood"
- "Innovative wood-based materials for new applications"
- "Provisioning and sustainable use of wood"
Presentations by the keynote speakers:
- "On the way to natural hightech - 10 thesis" (PDF)Katharina Lehmann, Blumer Lehmann AG, Gossau
- "Wood supply in the context of fragmented forest ownership structures: How to make a breakthrough?" (PDF)Michael Tobler, Raurica Wald AG, Liestal
- "Idea ‒ project ‒ product ‒ commercialization" (PDF)Willi Glaeser, designer, interior architect, entrepreneur MBA (GLAESER WOGG AG, De Sede, etc.)
- "Made in Switzerland: Sugar Based Chemistry for bio-plastics" (PDF)Thomas Kläusli, AVA Biochem AG, Muttenz