Ausschreibung ForestValue
Das ForestValue-Forschungsprogramm lanciert eine transnationale Ausschreibung zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen für Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation im forstbasierten Sektor.
The ForestValue Research Programme is launching a transnational call for proposals for research, development and innovation in the forest-based sector. The indicative total available budget amounts to 25 million € (national public funding including EU top-up funding of 5 million €). The total call volume with industrial co-funding is estimated to be over 30 million €.
The topics of the planned ForestValue joint call will contribute to transforming the global economy from a dependence on fossil and non-renewable raw materials to a sustainable “bio-based economy”.
Specific funding rules for Swiss partners:
The Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI and the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN are participating as funder organisations in this ERANET ForestValue to support the part of Swiss applicants in the international applications.
Please note that - in parallel to the application on the European level (with the EU-Partners) – the Swiss Partners must submit an application (CTI or FOEN application form incl. the European pre-proposal application form) demonstrating the research work to be performed by the Swiss Partners.
The complete call text as well as information on the pre-proposal content can be found under: